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Archive for April 2009

How Does Being Featured in Apple Print Ads Affect App Sales?

April 29th, 2009 — 7:38am

analytics-app-fortune-smallI’ve always thought it would be really cool to have my app featured in one of Apple’s TV commercials, and now that dream has become true, well kind of. Last week in the 04.27.09 edition of Fortune magazine, an Apple Ad for “Helping you run your small business, one app at a time” ran featuring 12 apps for small businesses, including Analytics App! Since then, my icon showed up in the “Thanks a Billion” ad in the Wall Street Journal (very prominently too might I add!), and the same small business ad showed up today, this time in the Wall Street Journal.

The ad copy says:

“Want to see how your web site’s performing? Analytics App shows you your site’s unique visitors, page views and other statistics using a series of customizable reports.”

The chart below shows the last three weeks of sales, the last week being the week of the Fortune Magazine ad. Sales have been quite steady over the last two months after our initial bump from our launch in February. With being featured in the Apple ad we are seeing a 53% increase in sales comparing this week to the last 4 weeks of sales.


The bump is significant enough to get excited for, though I highly doubt it would pay for an ad spot like that itself (so thanks Apple!). It will be interesting to see a few things over the next few weeks: (1) How long will the “bump” last? (2) Do my app sales stay at this new level or fall back to the steady rate in weeks past? (3) Will Apple be including Analytics App in more ads in the future? I sure hope so!

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